Thursday, October 16, 2008

Captain Blackberry

Tonight at dinner, you suggested the perfect Halloween costume for Daddy. You said he should go as a "Blackberry" since he is always on his. His friends at work call him "Captain Blackberry" so that is what he is going to be! We all had a great laugh over that one. You even suggested that one of his super-powers be "Super-Not-Listening-To-Anyone." I'm sure it will be a big hit!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School

Every year when school started, I vividly remember my dad would always say, "I can't believe my little girl is going to be in ___ grade." Every year, without fail, he said this. And now here I am saying, I can't believe my little boy is in the 3rd grade already! Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday that I dropped you off for your first day of preschool. You cried and cried. Now you can't wait to get away from me!

You were very excited to get back to school and see all your friends. You are a little disappointed because this year is a big year of change. There are fewer recesses and more work. But there will also be lots of fun things to look forward to like an overnight camping trip, building, cooking and gardening. I hope you have a great year!

I'm sure I'll be saying the same thing again next year when you are going off to 4th grade and again the year after that and on and on until you have kids of your own...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We just got home a few days ago from a fabulous vacation in Florida! You loved the beach. Nana and Gramps came down for a few days and you helped Gramps make some spectacular sand castles.

You also got to drive a go-cart and ride on a jet-ski – both of which you loved!

We had a great time jumping over the waves and searching for shells. You look like a little surfer with your tan and sun-bleached hair!

The hotel played a different movie each night by the pool ("Dive-in Movies) that you and Sadie watched from our balcony. One night, you both went to "Kids' Night Out" where you got to eat pizza and watch a movie. You had a great time!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day One

Today, you and Sadie are building a tent in the living room and playing with a Lego boat in the bathtub. We are getting ready to go on vacation in 4 days. You are so excited. We are going to Florida. It will be your first time at the beach since you were 20 months old.

Violet is your biggest fan. Every morning, the first thing she does when she wakes up is call for you: "Donuh!" It started out as "Doduh." She calls for you until you come and get her.

You are getting ready to start 3rd Grade. You love school and can't wait to get back to see your friends. You love playing outside, knitting, drawing and painting, and Math. You are not crazy about Japanese or Spanish.

You are letting your hair grow out and refuse to get it cut. You are very concerned about your looks and you're only 8 years old! Daddy and I like to tease you about it, but you are very handsome with your long hair and freckles!

I love watching you grow up and I love seeing who you are becoming each and every day – even on the days when I lose my patience with you. You are a very loving, sweet (most days) and smart kid. At school, you are a leader. Some days you drive me crazy because we are both so much alike. You are very persistent (stubborn), demanding and impatient – just like me. We often butt heads but every night when the day is done, you ask me to snuggle and tell me how much you love me. I hope that never changes!